Court decisions update in our Aviation Law practice. Ryanair.

On 5 October several media published the court decisions recently issued in line of confirming the position defended by the Firm in line of saying that internal strikes are to be considered as “extraordinary circumstance” and therefore release Ryanair from the obligation to pay 250, 400 and 600 euros compensations established in EU Regulation 261/2004 in cases of cancelation or large delay.

Related news:

EL PAÍS 4/10/2008
Ryanair no tiene que pagar indemnizaciones por las cancelaciones por huelgas

IRISH TIMES 4/10/2008
Ryanair welcomes ruling rejecting strike compensation

Ryanair no indemnizará los vuelos cancelados por huelga

EL PERIÓDICO 5/10/2008
Una sentencia exime a Ryanair de pagar compensación en caso de huelga interna

ABC 5/10/2008
Ryanair no tendrá que indemnizar a sus pasajeros por las cancelaciones de la huelga