Carlos Valls teaches International Sales in La Habana, organised by the IBA, the ONBC and the ILAC

Carlos Valls attended for the fourth year as professor of the Module of International Sales to the Course for Cuban lawyers organized jointly by the IBA and the Organización Nacional de Bufetes Colectivos de Cuba, held at the Casa del Abogado (Boyeros, province of Havana). In particular, Carlos explained the international harmonizing effort, with special mention to the UNIDROIT principles, and to the 1980 United Nations Vienna Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (“CISG”) and a reflection on the lex mercatoria, as well as the International Distribution and Agency Agreements.

On the occasion of the IBA course addressed to Cuban Lawyers, Carlos Valls, together with Horacio López-Portillo (Mexico) and Javier Canosa (Argentina), participated as teachers in the three-day unit on international sales and foreign trade.

The Module also dealt generally with the International sales agreement and its financing, the INCOTERMS, with a special analysis of CISG, as well as a brief reference to electronic commerce and new forms of contracting based on blockchain and smart contracts. During the Course, there was also an opportunity to comment on the structure and functioning of the WTO, its dispute resolution systems and the current situation.

The complete Course has been financed by the Swedish organization International Legal Assistance Consortium (ILAC). It is worth mentioning the high technical skills and participation of the Cuban professionals that attended the Course.