Sentence of the Provincial Court of Barcelona on the Germanwings case

Interesting article published in La Vanguardia, in which Sergi Giménez, partner of Augusta Abogados and specialist in aviation, gives his opinion on the sentence of the Provincial Court of Barcelona regarding the controversial case of Germanwings.

¿Cuánto vale la vida de un ser querido? is the title of the article published today April 26, 2019 in La Vanguardia about the Germanwings airline disaster in 2015 in the Alps. The text indicates that the Provincial Court of Barcelona has decided to reduce – in some cases up to 80% – the legal compensation to family members who had already been set in a previous sentence. Sergi Giménez, partner of Augusta Abogados and a professional with a solid background in aviation, said yesterday that “the sentence follows the line of previous judicial pronouncements in similar cases and is moderate and reasonable, although this sometimes is difficult to see because, obviously, everything seems so little to the family affected, for whom the loss of a parent, brother or child is irreparable and there is no money to compensate it.